Need Energy Services?

Green Energy Engineering, Inc., is dedicated to saving energy, saving money, reducing your carbon footprint (carbon dioxide emissions), and saving the Earth through the cost-effective utilization of Mother Nature's limited energy resources. More...

Eric H. Coffin, P.E.

"The Engineer's Engineer"

For the serious engineers who are truly interested in "continuing education,' Eric's seminars satisfy that demand...

Continuing Education for PEs


Eric Coffin of Green Energy Engineering, Inc. provides several four-hour Continuing Education (CE) lectures for Professional Engineers (PE) entitled:

  1. “Principles of Engineering Economy”

  2. “Incremental Investment” (in development)

  3. “Fluid Flow and Pressure Drop” (in development)

If you as an individual or your company as a group is interested in obtaining your four professional development hours (PDH) in your area of practice, please contact Eric by using our convenient contact form or:

Call Eric Coffin at 727-742-7276 NOW!